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Exercising Values


How Learning How to Stop Children from Arguing Can Help You Achieve Your Own Goals character children diet education exercise family life fitness goals habits inspiration mental health parenting selfcare support teamwork values

As parents, we like our children to respect our answer and not try to argue or negotiate. So we learn to communicate in such a way as to say that our decision is final. Why not apply that same strategy to the way you talk to yourself. For example, if I'm trying to not eat something unhealthy, I...

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Why Maternity and Paternity Leave Is Good for Both Families and Companies education family life inspiration marriage mental health parenting selfcare support teamwork time management values working moms

Finding the balance between active parenting and all other life demands is one of the most important decisions parents need to make. One company has decided to help. Netflix announced this week that they will be offering unlimited maternity and paternity leave to their employees much as they...

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5 Actions to Be a Happier Parent with Happier Children Today build muscle character children diet education exercise family life fat loss fitness fun goals habits inspiration mental health nutrition parenting selfcare support teamwork time management values weight loss working moms

The tag line of Exercising Values has always been happy, healthy, well-behaved  children in fifteen minutes a day. There is a balance to these three goals.

Happiness that is gained through permissive and self-centered behavior is fleeting and produces no long-lasting ability to stay joyful...

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Marriage: Blood, Sweat, Tears, and a Smile family family life goals inspiration marriage selfcare support teamwork values

As much as we talk about parenting skills on Exercising Values, it is important to remember that the well-being of the parents both individually and as a couple has an impact on the children that supersedes any parenting technique. It is an aspect of parenting that continues throughout life and...

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Mind Set: The Secret to Enjoying the Day family life inspiration mental health teamwork

We just finished our final briefings. It's fun to just sit back and watch the various country's athletes file past. First South Africa, then the French, Great Britain, New Zealand, Ireland, Russia and on it goes. There is a pleasant energy in the room and when the talk ends and it's time for...

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