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Exercising Values


Part of a Team family life sports teamwork

I just have a few minutes between the team meeting and the opening ceremonies here in Perth with the race about 40 hours away. The team leader remarked to the group that we are each in a unique position few athletes find themselves in because we are representing our country. He said we should...

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High Expectations Led to Inspirational Children and Parents family life fitness goals inspiration parenting sports teamwork

The first event of the ITU World Championships was held today with an impressive group of athletes tackling a swim and run. The event is designed to draw the community in and to let them utilize the course that will feature the world championship on Sunday. Athletes as young as ten years old...

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Teamwork Works children encouragement exercise family health sports support teamwork

I got my debut as a coach when I was a senior in college at Stanford. That's not the cheapest place to get an education so I worked several jobs. One that I remember quite fondly was nanny to a fourth and second grader, Jennifer and Michael. Jennifer was thoughtful, even wise if a ten-year old...

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Masterminds Know Why You Should Get Abs exercise support teamwork values

I’m flying home from Connecticut today after spending a few days with a mastermind group composed of some of the leaders in the fitness industry. To illustrate just how interesting these collegues are I’ll just say that one of our group trained a former president. Later I’ll...

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